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Made by amiskwaciy

Creative Students

Students at amiskwaciy continue to create in and out of class. Lots of students join Art Club and/or Craft Club to have a community to create and share. We look forward to our student Market in the Spring.

Students created everything from lanyards to ornaments for the Indigenous Market held in December 2024. It was a treat for students to sell their creations.



Community Partnerships

Edmonton Food Bank - support for our breakfast and lunch program

University of Alberta: Auntie Network - circles, fieldtrips, ribbon skirt/shirt making

Suncor - Culture camp donations

Alberta Parks - Cooking Lake Provincial Park - site use for culture camp and other activities

Go Athletics - Pete Wright - afterschool athletics opportunities, teams, support for our track and field day

City of Edmonton - Manager of Operations - Troy Courtoreille - various ways of supporting students

Telus World of Science - fieldtrips

Alumni of students and staff - donations of time, clothing, support, knowledge, etc.

Treaty 8 Urban Child and Family Services - student groups

Weyerhaeuser - donations for construction classes

Spirit North - outdoor pursuits, fieldtrip support, in class activities

kihcihkaw askî-Sacred Land - land based programming area

Alberta Indigenous Games - support in and out of class, round dance coordination, student presentations

Bear Paw Media

City of Edmonton